iCastCenter.com - Terms of Service

iCastCenter.com - Terms of Service
Welcome to iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting! All we ask in return is that you follow a few simple rules. So please be sure you have read, and understood, these Terms and Conditions. Members who do not follow rules and regulations could find their entire ShoutCast Hosting Service removed and/or deleted, possibly without prior notice. The interpretation of these guidelines is at the sole discretion of iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting:
- iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting is offering to you ShoutCast DNAS Server Hosting and/or IceCast Server Hosting. which gives you the opportunity to create your own online radio station and on-demand media streaming capabilities.
- iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting is not responsible for the content that you publish to our servers, nor do the opinions or ideas expressed within that content necessarily reflect those of iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting. The content of user submitted media is not reviewed or censored in any way before they appear on servers owned/operated by iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting.
- You may not use our ShoutCast DNAS Hosting services to provide material, or links to material, or references
to material, that is grossly offensive to the Internet/Web community.
This includes:
- Blatant expressions of bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity
- Promotion or display of instructional information supporting illegal activities this includes, but is not limited to, instructions for the building or use of weapons, propagation of "spam" email and/or computer viruses, or any material that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties
- Promotion of physical harm or injury against any group or individual
- Your content may not contain, nor provide links/references to, any of the following:
- Child pornography, obscene material, bestiality and pictures that you don't have the right, or have authorization, to publish.
- Hate propaganda
- Anything illegal including, but not limited to, illegal software, warez or hacked software, serial numbers, mail fraud, or pyramid schemes
- Material insulting, or that could be considered defamatory or libelous, to other persons, institutions or companies
- Material that exploits children
- Material which attempts to collect personal information about users
- Materials infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties (including, but not limited to, trademarks, personality rights, names of individuals, publicity rights, logos, graphics, designs, films and copyrighted music - unless you have proper permission and/or licensing is strictly forbidden.
- You may not use unsolicited email to promote your content provided by our services/servers.
- iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting reserves the right to block or delete any content to inappropriate behavior by the publisher towards iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting, its staff or its users.
- You may not store, copy, reproduce or broadcast any material without the express prior consent of the original copyright owner, or representative of that owner, without prior approval. If you plan on broadcasting copyrighted music (or any other copyrighted content), or if you plan on storing copyrighted music (or any other copyrighted content) on our servers for on-demand playing, you must be licensed to do so PRIOR to broadcasting / publishing or uploading that content to our servers.
- You may not copy, reproduce, or broadcast/rebroadcast any other form of copyrighted materials without the express prior consent of the original copyright owner, or the legal representative, of that content. This includes, but is not limited to, music, movies, TV shows, sports programs and news programs.
- By joining iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting you will automatically receive our iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting E-News newsletter and occasional special promotions. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter by following the given instructions within the newsletter.
- By submitting, broadcasting or uploading content to our services/servers, you grant iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting royalty free, nonexclusive, worldwide, unrestricted license to include your content and link to your website in any publicity and advertising materials we publish. Such license shall apply with respect to any form, media or technology now known or later developed. This term will extend only for the duration of the user's membership. In the event that such membership is terminated, iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting will relinquish all rights to the user's content following the duration of any applicable promotional activities ongoing at the time the membership terminated.
- If you are 18 years of age or younger, you may not subscribe to our services. The protection of children's online privacy is very important to us. For that reason, it's our policy not to collect, store, maintain, and make public any information about minors. This includes extending our services to minors.
You, as the broadcaster of your content, take full responsibility for its contents. As the broadcaster you state your service contains nothing illegal, obscene, pornographic, degrading or abusive to another person, including content that promote hate group propaganda and child pornography. As the broadcaster, you also state that nothing on your content is copyrighted material, or that you have proper approval to use that copyrighted material, and that any links to other servers have been approved by that organization. As the broadcaster, you also state that nothing on your broadcast, or on-demand media, infringes on the intellectual property rights of any third party. You agree that iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting has the right to remove any content, and has the right to remove any accounts, and stop providing services to any accounts, it determines, in its sole discretion, has violated these rules to cancel your membersship and take against you whatever measures will be deemed appropriate including legal action and disclosing information about you to law enforcement authorities and other interested third parties. Customers (broadcasters) who are in breach of these rules agree to indemnify and hold harmless iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting for any loss, claim, damage and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from or in connection with the content of any broadcasts or on-demand media or of any chat or messages on a bulletin board found to be infringing or illegal. By submitting content, broadcasting your content, or uploading any on-demand media, you agree to all the above terms.
iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting makes no guarantee as to availability of service. To the fullest extent permissible by law, iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting excludes all liability with respect to accuracy, content or availability of information on its web site. The materials in this site are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting does not warrant that the function contained in the materials available on this web site will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the servers that make them available are free of viruses or other harmful components. Any merchandise products or services available to users, broadcasters or members from links from this web site are provided by third parties who are not necessarily affiliated or connected with iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting. To the fullest extent permissible by law, iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting excludes all liability under any circumstances (including negligence) for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials on this site. Applicable laws may not apply to all those who access the web site, or broadcasts (and on-demand media) hosted by our services / servers.. iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting offers unlimited, unmetered bandwidth ShoutCast DNAS hosting and IceCast Hosting. iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting does not guarantee that sufficient bandwidth will be available at all times. iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting will make every effort to keep a reasonable amount of bandwidth available to all customers. iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting offers it's services on a month-to-month basis, and no refunds will be given to customers unless you have written documentation from iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting that a refund will be issued. iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting will remove any and all accounts found to be in violation of U.S. and International copyright laws. iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting will remove any and all accounts that we receive complaints from copyright holders, or their legal representatives, regarding the broadcasting or rebroadcasting any of their copyrighted material. You agree to pay / reimburse iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting for any and all fees, legal fees, investigation fees, fines and any other fees that iCastCenter.com - Internet Radio Hosting may incur regarding any customer violating any of any terms within this document. This document may change without notice at any time, and continued use of our services constitutes continued agreement by you of the terms in this document, and any terms modified in this document at all times. This document, referred to as our 'Terms of Service' or 'TOS' will always be made available for viewing and download via our website at http://www.icastcenter.com/
By becoming a Member, and subscribing to our service, and by using our services, you agree to all the above terms. If you do not agree, do not continue to purchase our services.